Thursday 13 November 2014

more on edgy

I have thinking a bit more about what I mean by edgy and wonderings about whether Sydney has an edge. I don't intend to suggest a desire for the dangerous or chaotic or exotic. But I am greedy for the unexpected - preferably both surreal and humorous - in everyday experiences, for moments and situations that spark an attentiveness to dis/ ordinary details, a sharpening of focus on the immediate.

What does this imply? Searching out Sydney's equivalent of America s white trash or English chavs - or more poignantly situated, the realities of life for many aboriginal people in the city? Or looking for alternative engagements with, and readings of, the city by artists, performers or eccentrics? Or something else? There are other kinds of extremes here - a climate that is not actually benign, vegetation that must be hacked back and many unnerving creatures that definitely have an edge. Should I be looking more to nature and less at urbanity?

And maybe I need to think about just why I love the dis/ordinary. One of the reasons for coming to Sydney was recovery and regrouping, after being caught for too long in a really appalling work situation. So it is about re-learning to relax but also refocusing. Sorry, Sydney - a lot to ask.

Meanwhile, for a reminder of what is just fab about Sydney, see 59 Reasons Living in Sydney Ruins You for Life

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